Kundalini Yoga - Tuesdays at 9-1030am


“In the practice of Yoga one can emphasize the body, the mind or the self and hence the effort can never be fruitless.” T. Krishnamacharya

Research confirms that practicing yoga, at any level, offers evidence-based results!

Some benefits as revealed by Harvard Medical School's health publishing include: 

  • Increased levels of strength, balance, flexibility, and coordination

  • Reduced levels of stress, anxiety, depression and chronic pain

  • Improved sleep quality, mood and energy levels

Studies also reveal that yoga may help reduce your risk of serious health complications, such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Yoga teaches us how to quiet the mind and offers a system for spiritual awakening. You will shine from within and feel great.


“You don’t have to be extremely fit or super-flexible. At any level, yoga poses and breathing have wonderful benefits for your mind and body.” Pamela Jeter, Ph.D., Researcher, Johns Hopkins University

Yoga is widely practiced with options for all ages, levels and dispositions; and, offers a supportive environment for developing all aspects of oneself.


Yoga can be translated from Sanskrit as "to unite" or "to join one's consciousness with all living things," but Yoga can also mean the achievement of a focused mental state (as in meditation) or “to attain what was previously unattainable” (Desikachar). Yoga is a system that includes a set of physical, mental, and spiritual practices for enriched living and spiritual awakening.

KUNDALINI (donation-based)

Kundalini Yoga brings the technology and personal discipline to awaken one’s higher consciousness, bringing greater balance and harmony to one’s life. This awareness and balance is encouraged by the practice of pranayama (breath work), specific kriyas (exercise sets), ancient mantras (sounds) and meditations. Through this practice of kundalini yoga, the soul’s energy, kundalini force, is moved from the base of the spine, where it lays, up the spinal column, feeding the nerves, glands and energy centers (chakras), as it travels up the body.

This class is suitable for all-levels. We provide options to nurture and challenge the beginner to advanced practitioner.

ASHTANGA (on hold)

Ashtanga offers a system of postures (Asana) sequenced specifically by count and order, utilizing gaze points (Drishti) and internal energy (or alignment) locks (Bandhas), and synchronized with the breath (Pranayama); more simply known or referred to as, Vinyasa (see a description of Vinyasa below). The aim of this practice is to prepare the body and mind for meditation. During the practice slow breath work allow vital energy (Prana) to be carried throughout the subtle body. Coupled with the correct movement through postures (Tristhana), stagnant energy may be unblocked throughout the body. In turn, this allows prana to flow freely, dissolving any physical or mental disturbances that are causing dis-ease.

Through regular practise of a precise sequence of flowing asanas, the body becomes flexible, strong and light, toxins are removed and the blood is cleaned.  Many aliments can be improved. Slow controlled breathing and deep concentration create incredible focus and a quiet mind, resulting in a feeling of calmness and peace.

VINYASA (on hold)

"Vinyasa" roughly means "to place in a conscious or intentionally ordered manner." Our Vinyasa class involves flowing through sequenced poses and linking the movements to breath. Students gain strength and flexibility through the practice but the real goal is to turn our focus inwards preparing the mind and body for meditation. We draw on the teachings of the traditional Yogic texts, including The Yoga Sutras, in which the great sage Patanjali sets forth the eight limbs (practices) of Yoga, The Bhagavad Gita, The 13 Principle Upanishads, and the influential works of the Hatha Yoga lineage.

This class is suitable for all-levels. We provide options to nurture and challenge the beginner to advanced practitioner.


Restorative yoga is a style of yoga that encourages physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. Appropriate for all levels, restorative yoga is practiced at a slow pace, focusing on long holds, stillness, and deep breathing.

Restorative, also referred to as Yin, is a restful practice that’s all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. Focus is directed towards slowing down and embracing the power of rest, relaxation and releasing of tension in the body and mind.

Restorative yoga benefits

  • Deeply relaxes the body.

  • Stills a busy mind.

  • Releases muscular tension, improving mobility and flexibility.

  • Improves capacity for healing and balancing.

  • Balances the nervous system.

  • Boosts the immune system.

  • Develops qualities of compassion and understanding toward others and self.

Sunday night restorative with Avery will be a highly beneficial option for anyone with chronic illness or pain, anxiety, depression, stressful or high-intensity lifestyles, athletes, young people, the elderly or injured, and anyone who just feels a calling to remember how to relax and feel safe in their bodies. This is a RESTORING class, intended to feel restful and healing all the way down to your bones. It will include the use of props, about 3-5 supported poses total per class, and a peaceful long guided savasana meditation with sound healing.


Some of our Yoga classes are donation-based, meaning you may participate by donating what you can afford and experience to be an equal and fair exchange.  

Donation-based does not suggest bargain nor a sub-standard quality.

When deciding what to donate please consider these factors: what benefits are you experiencing, access to good teachers is a blessing, we can’t do this without your help, and of course, what can you afford. Programs like ours rely on contributions from those who can afford it and enables access for those who can't. It's all about working together to hold space for each other.

Donation proceeds are split with the teachers, academy and a variety of charitable causes. To learn more about where your donations go please visit our Charity & Outreach section.

“Rid your body of its impurities, let your speech be true and sweet, feel friendship for the world, and with humility seek wealth and knowledge.” T. Krishnamacharya

"Yoga as a way of life and a philosophy, can be practiced by anyone with inclination to undertake it, for yoga belongs to humanity as a whole. It is not the property of any one group or any one individual but can be followed by any and all, in any corner of the globe, regardless of class, creed or religion." K. Pattabhi Jois

"Yoga allows you to find an inner peace that is not ruffled and rifled by the endless stresses and struggles of life." BKS Iyengar